The Power of Truth, Covid’s primary victim

The truth about Jesus | Rationalist Society of Australia

I cannot think of a better way to begin 2022 than to speak truth to power because 2021 and the year that preceded it were almost entirely about power over truth. It has been the power of government over the individual citizen; about power of wealthy, elite progressives over the working class; about power of the media, both mainstream and social, to censor and cancel citizens and even entire institutions that did not adhere to their explanation of events; and even the power of a few, elitist, politically motivated scientists and doctors over clinicians on the front lines of patient care. It has been the power of an ideological narrative over facts. It has been the power of gaslighting wherein we are told to believe the media spin rather than our own eyes.

Published by rtbosshardt

I am a plastic surgeon, in practice for 30 years, with varied interests. First and foremost is writing. I love to observe people, who are endlessly fascinating. I have interests in health and wellness, our environment, modern culture, history, and general medical matters. I was "born to run" and love long distance running. I have a Christian worldview which infuses everything I do. I hope this blog will be interesting, entertaining, informative, and, perhaps, even a little controversial. If I can get one person to delve more deeply into something I have said, I will have been successful.

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  1. Dr Bosshardt thank you for your sanity and clear thinking!
    Appreciate you stepping up. Great questions on your musings article.
    Best of everything in your life


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